TickSurfers ADD, ADD Ratio & ADD Breadth Indicator


The $ADD index is a measurement of stocks in the index or exchange that are advancing (bullish) minus those that are declining (bearish). When the $ADD value is above 2000 or below -2000 and holds in the first 30 minutes of the regular market session, it is considered strong trending. When the value is near the medium line, it is considered to be in a choppy market.

This indicator displays the ratio of advancing to declining stocks. A ratio of 2:1 means that there are twice as many advancing stocks than declining in the exchange.

Another mode of operation is $ADD Breadth. This mode measures the speed at which $ADD reaches one extreme or another.

Features & Settings

The indicator has multiple modes of operation: bars, line, candles, ratio, breadth and cumulative. The first three modes are essentially the same, and are simply a preference of how you would like to see the raw reading of the $ADD values. It is accompanied by useful threshold lines that display important areas that indicate trend, or lack thereof.

The default settings for each mode of operation have been carefully selected. Explore all the features available in TickSurfers $ADD Indicator by going to the indicator's input settings and selecting the modes and settings your prefer.

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TradeStation Logo TradeStation®
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