
Welcome to TickSurfers

In order to use your indicators you will need a TradingView® or a TradeStation® account. If you do not yet have an account, please first create one using one of the links below. Afterwards, please navigate to your profile page to enter your account information.

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In order to use your indicators you will need a TradingView® or a TradeStation® account. If you do not yet have an account, please first create one using one of the links below. Afterwards, please come back to this page to enter your account information.

Downloads and Access

TradingView® Access

If you don't have a TradingView® account, sign up using the following link to receive $15 towards your membership:

You must submit your TradingView® username in your profile for you to gain access to TickSurfers indicators. Once submitted, the indicators will show up in TradingView® in the  Indicators window under the   Invite-only section.
Please note it may take up to 24 hours for your indicators to show up in your profile.

TradeStation® Setup and Installation

You must have a TradeStation® brokerage account to access their trading and charting platform. You may sign up using the following link:

Make sure you first install the latest TradeStation® Windows® desktop platform from their official website:

We are ready to download TickSurfers indicators and install them. Download the indicators using the following link. Once downloaded, double click the TICKSURFERS_V1.0.ELD file and follow the setup instructions:

If the indicators give an error message indicating your account does not have access to the indicators, make sure to add your TradeStation® Customer Number to your profile settings.